Unless a Labour government under Jeremy Corbyn is elected, it is the very end of any integrity in UK football - the sport will continue its decline towards a betting medium for insider traders supported by a mafia state and media.
The free market with minimal regulation is destroying football.
Vote Labour to stop Football being Fixed.
We exist in a hyperreal porn circus with Blojo the Clown and Demonic Cums the ringmasters as, via a continuum of Eton lies and transparent short-termist strategy (more Looby Loo than Sun Tzu) they seek to convert the UK into Singapore-on-Thames, to continue in their neoliberal quest to financialise everything by stripping out the reality for private profit...
... in effect, Blojo and Demonic are building a fascistic mafia state.
And look at the fucking state of it - the UK, this narcissistic nation taking selfies of its demise while living in Zizekian end times.
How liberating!
But only death is liberation...
... as we all know.
Ever since Thatcherite neoconservatives took to shafting workers, all we've ever had in the UK is class warfare from an elite.
Regressive taxation, erosion of employment, accommodation and most other rights, the financialisation of whole swathes of the economy for the proprietary gains of masons and mafia...
... illicit insider gains lightly taxed fostering extreme inequality.
And, as working class industry across the North and Midlands, Scotland, Wales and the Six Counties was decimated by neocon spite, the acquiescent bourgeoisie were coddled in their narcissism and identity politics and -isms blind to this disenfranchisement of a whole section of society...
... a section which, quite reasonably, became totally pissed off.
State strategists faced with the option of fascism or Socialism always choose the nazis as it is less damaging to their financialisation processes and more easily consumed into future disaster capitalism templates - even the cosy Guardian now prefers systemic corruption and a hard-right fascistic government to a Socialist one.
And when did the BBC become an apologist for alt-right shitfuckery?
So Brexit is the cry but not a Brexit of workers' rights, an escape from a misfunctioning union and the addressing of man-made climate disaster but a Brexit based on fuckwit racism, pseudo Yaxley-Lennon xenophobic cowardice and, crucially, excrutiating shit-panting fear.
Why are fascists so fucking frightened?
Blojo the Clown doesn't care about workers' rights which is why his latest deceitful Bill targets the poor.
And the EU doesn't care about workers' rights which is why they are happy with Blojo's Bill.
Blairite sections of the Labour Party don't care about workers' rights for careerist reasons and because they are collectively flimsy - they are like those rubber beach sandles with holes in them.
I hate them.
The centre-right of the Tory party (otherwise known as the Lib-Dems) don't care about anything at all as demonstrated by their historical support for the privatisation of the NHS and their collective abstention on voting on excluding the NHS from future US-UK trade talks last week.
The problem isn't Poles or Islam.
Grow up.
The problem is the elite, the state, a collection of states.
We had an election on whether to try to reform the EU from within or from without.
We selected without.
So let's protect ourselves in this brave new world by ensuring that workers' rights are at the core of our new neohyperreality and let's get these rights enshrined in law...
... now.
We don't want chlorinated chicken, an arms industry to be proud of, insider trading, rentiers, fixed football and the whitewashing of war criminals like Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell.
We want social living for the 99%...
... not psychopathic abuse from the 1% like Cums and Blojo.
Only Socialism will protect workers against this class war of our rulers.
Jeremy Corbyn for PM.
© Football is Fixed 2006-2019
The free market with minimal regulation is destroying football.
Vote Labour to stop Football being Fixed.
We exist in a hyperreal porn circus with Blojo the Clown and Demonic Cums the ringmasters as, via a continuum of Eton lies and transparent short-termist strategy (more Looby Loo than Sun Tzu) they seek to convert the UK into Singapore-on-Thames, to continue in their neoliberal quest to financialise everything by stripping out the reality for private profit...
... in effect, Blojo and Demonic are building a fascistic mafia state.
And look at the fucking state of it - the UK, this narcissistic nation taking selfies of its demise while living in Zizekian end times.
How liberating!
But only death is liberation...
... as we all know.
Ever since Thatcherite neoconservatives took to shafting workers, all we've ever had in the UK is class warfare from an elite.
Regressive taxation, erosion of employment, accommodation and most other rights, the financialisation of whole swathes of the economy for the proprietary gains of masons and mafia...
... illicit insider gains lightly taxed fostering extreme inequality.
And, as working class industry across the North and Midlands, Scotland, Wales and the Six Counties was decimated by neocon spite, the acquiescent bourgeoisie were coddled in their narcissism and identity politics and -isms blind to this disenfranchisement of a whole section of society...
... a section which, quite reasonably, became totally pissed off.
State strategists faced with the option of fascism or Socialism always choose the nazis as it is less damaging to their financialisation processes and more easily consumed into future disaster capitalism templates - even the cosy Guardian now prefers systemic corruption and a hard-right fascistic government to a Socialist one.
And when did the BBC become an apologist for alt-right shitfuckery?
So Brexit is the cry but not a Brexit of workers' rights, an escape from a misfunctioning union and the addressing of man-made climate disaster but a Brexit based on fuckwit racism, pseudo Yaxley-Lennon xenophobic cowardice and, crucially, excrutiating shit-panting fear.
Why are fascists so fucking frightened?
Blojo the Clown doesn't care about workers' rights which is why his latest deceitful Bill targets the poor.
And the EU doesn't care about workers' rights which is why they are happy with Blojo's Bill.
Blairite sections of the Labour Party don't care about workers' rights for careerist reasons and because they are collectively flimsy - they are like those rubber beach sandles with holes in them.
I hate them.
The centre-right of the Tory party (otherwise known as the Lib-Dems) don't care about anything at all as demonstrated by their historical support for the privatisation of the NHS and their collective abstention on voting on excluding the NHS from future US-UK trade talks last week.
The problem isn't Poles or Islam.
Grow up.
The problem is the elite, the state, a collection of states.
We had an election on whether to try to reform the EU from within or from without.
We selected without.
So let's protect ourselves in this brave new world by ensuring that workers' rights are at the core of our new neohyperreality and let's get these rights enshrined in law...
... now.
We don't want chlorinated chicken, an arms industry to be proud of, insider trading, rentiers, fixed football and the whitewashing of war criminals like Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell.
We want social living for the 99%...
... not psychopathic abuse from the 1% like Cums and Blojo.
Only Socialism will protect workers against this class war of our rulers.
Jeremy Corbyn for PM.
© Football is Fixed 2006-2019