A Timeline Of The End Of Journalism - Things You Won't Learn In The Orwellian (Otherwise Known As The Guardian)
"Julian lives in us, through us. And he's fighting for us. So yes, you're all guilty if you don't do something. #Assange already did the risks for you. You're not risking anything"@DiEM_25 member Slavoj #Zizek— DiEM25 (@DiEM_25) April 15, 2019
Sign the petition against his extradition 👉 https://t.co/y5COHjXgMRpic.twitter.com/c5Iuu2b3p7
Lawyers: "Julian Assange is The Man in the High Castle of our time. His contribution may seem superhuman, but he is not. He is a human being, unlawfully deprived of his freedom and family. He fights for our freedom. Let us make his freedom a reality."https://t.co/BUSB0oJKdI— Courage Foundation (@couragefound) April 15, 2019
You have not retracted the fabricated Nov 27th story on Assange, Dan @yachay_dc. (Manafort met Assange BS). Unless you do so anything you write is worthless and your newspaper is tainted. pic.twitter.com/LgYqn7Pon1— Kristinn Hrafnsson (@khrafnsson) April 15, 2019
The British, Australian, Ecuadorian and US Governments have made an ad about Julian Assange’s arrest and it’s surprisingly honest and informative 🇬🇧🇦🇺🇺🇸🇨🇴 @Wikileaks#JulianAssange— theJuice (@thejuicemedia) April 15, 2019
👉 We're on Patreon: https://t.co/4renJFTgjPpic.twitter.com/hw97sObd8W
"Technically and legally, Assange is still and Ecuadorian citizen"— Hanna Jonasson (@AssangeLegal) April 15, 2019
The government of Ecuador 'suspended' Assange's asylum in order to remove him from the embassy, but legal experts say he remains an Ecuadorian citizen.https://t.co/PEqpZ7D3nK
This video is the most important thing you can watch when it comes to WikiLeaks and Assange: pic.twitter.com/h8liwZsQws— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) April 14, 2019
"The NUJ is shocked & concerned by the actions of the authorities today in relation to Julian Assange... The UK should not be acting on behalf of the Trump administration" said #NUJ assistant general secretary. Full statement - https://t.co/98RC1FOTNP@suigenerisjen@wikileaks— NUJ (@NUJofficial) April 11, 2019
“Any extradition and prosecution by US authorities will be a clear attack on the principles of press freedom”: @IFJGlobal resolution in support of Australia’s union @withMEAA calling on Aus and UK to protect #Assange from US extradition #auspol@MarisePayne@SenatorWong@dfathttps://t.co/o1KQRhCHT7— Jen Robinson (@suigenerisjen) April 15, 2019
Dr Aloysia Brooks from @thejustcampaign (against torture) on the content of the @Wikileaks releases that #JulianAssange was charged in relation to. His source @xychelsea was tortured & jailed for revealing this information & Assange faces trial for helping her do so anonymously. pic.twitter.com/U4nMpHCiHs— Dame Cathy Vogan (@CathyVoganSPK) April 14, 2019
"Real journalism is being criminalized by thugs in plain sight. Dissent has become an indulgence. And the British elite has abandoned its last imperial myth: that of fairness and justice."—@johnpilger: https://t.co/TBF5bEOwau#FreeAssange#NoExtraditionpic.twitter.com/IM84MpjrMK— Bean🔥 (@SomersetBean) April 14, 2019
MUST READ!— Mrs. Christine Assange (@AssangeMrs) April 15, 2019
Julian gagged for one year!
This court doc contains Julians OWN WORDS on whats been happening to him!
Pls read/retweet/share widely
EXCLUSIVE! Leaked Assange Court Transcript Sheds Light on US-Backed Ecuadorian Expulsion Plans https://t.co/fRiWck60jN
Great article on the narrative funnel that are justifying Assange's persecution, lawfare, and "Nice Guy Fascism" via @caitozhttps://t.co/XmydMrHPBNpic.twitter.com/hi4UpyLMF7— Hanna Jonasson (@AssangeLegal) April 13, 2019
Unanimous decision by the Journalism Faculty at La Plata University of Argentina awards Assange honorary degree (doctor honoris causa), following his arrest for extradition to the US for practicing journalism. https://t.co/jMkTVJVtkQ— Defend Assange Campaign (@DefendAssange) April 13, 2019
4. il capo della Task Force del #Pentagono testimoniò davanti alla corte marziale che nessuno fu ucciso o anche solo ferito. Trovate qui l'articolo del Guardian con la testimonianza [ARCHIVIO, inglese] https://t.co/s50RzIJv7L— stefania maurizi (@SMaurizi) April 14, 2019
Ecuador's Human Rights Commission: Assange expulsion into the hands of the US is a "de facto extradition" that violates the Ecuadorian Constitution, and international obligation prohibiting refoulement, and violates the Inter-American Court on Human Rights' advisory opinion 25/18 pic.twitter.com/LZGuf1WP69— Hanna Jonasson (@AssangeLegal) April 14, 2019
Did you have any idea it was 2 journalists from @guardian, David Leigh & @lukeharding1968, who first published the password to the un-redacted cables in their book: 'Wikileaks: Julian Assange's War on Secrecy' - risking #BloodonTheirHands - while @wikileaks still redacting them? pic.twitter.com/IYqcK1Vxez— Dame Cathy Vogan (@CathyVoganSPK) April 13, 2019
If you knew all the illegal activities spy agencies are involved in you would shut them down. Spies are the scum of humanity. They invade your privacy, lie, deceive, steal, set people up for unjust jail sentences and even murder. Nobody is above the law, right? Govt spies are.— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) April 14, 2019
The sex case against Julian Assange was a CIA plot to dehumanize Julian, to prevent public support and to extradite him to US via Sweden. I read everything about the Swedish case. It’s a sham. There was no unconsensual sex or any abusive conduct. It’s a spy op and nothing else.— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) April 14, 2019
The charges against Julian Assange are an attack on the freedom of the press and on whistle-blowers who hold powerful institutions—including the U.S. government—to account. https://t.co/zu3TTUg4VP— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) April 13, 2019
The only “ironic” thing here is that a war criminal like Hillary Clinton, whose policies have caused so much death and destruction all across the globe, gets to be on TV chuckling over the arrest of #JulianAssange, a man who helped expose her crimes and corruption to the world. https://t.co/3Ca903s0lp— Sarah Abdallah (@sahouraxo) April 13, 2019
Political prisoner Julian Assange is being held in what is known as "Britain's Guantánamo Bay," where the UK government holds "terrorists."— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) April 13, 2019
This is what the Free World™ does to a journalist who publishes whistleblowers who expose US and NATO war crimes.https://t.co/Ir9cM7IKUn
Thoughtful piece. Even as some commentators say of the Assange charge, "This isn't about journalism," the indictment is written to make it about journalism. https://t.co/Wt3pZTabqq— Scott Shane (@ScottShaneNYT) April 12, 2019
Note: https://t.co/q9lDUo7sSn is not a release, insurance dump, or response to Assange’s arrest. It is the page where published documents are available for bulk download so that people can create mirrors, access publications offline, or use the raw data. It has existed for years.— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 13, 2019
World shame! @Lenin took his betrayal to a global extent. He authorized the arrest of Assange in our embassy in London. He violated the Constitution, the international agreements and put at risk the life of a journalist that revealed atrocious crimes. We condemn you Judas— Ricardo Patiño (@RicardoPatinoEC) April 12, 2019
Over the past couple weeks the mainstream media has been shown to be utterly wrong after 2 years of Russiagate conspiracy theories AND they've cheered the arrest & prosecution of a Nobel Prize-nominated journalist.— Lee Camp [Redacted] (@LeeCamp) April 13, 2019
...You guys are really doing a bang up job.
Is Julian Assange not a journalist? Is WikiLeaks not a media organization? If so it is amazing how many journalism awards have been given to a non-journalist and a non-media organisation.— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 13, 2019
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"If you extradite a journalist of a third country to the United States for publishing the truth no journalist can be secure, so this must be stopped, this must be resisted in all manner"@khrafnsson@AJEnglish@AJListeningPosthttps://t.co/mUDK80gZZi— Courage Foundation (@couragefound) April 13, 2019
Demented stories about Assange are now being spread by president Lenin Moreno and his mob to brush over the disgraceful expulsion. Moreno claims Assange hacked his phone, and Ambassador tells Daily Mail he might have trained the embassy cat to spy. This is surreally idiotic pic.twitter.com/2QDxqzXxT8— Kristinn Hrafnsson (@khrafnsson) April 13, 2019
#JulianAssange is a publisher for truth. He’s done great work on behalf of mankind despite his inhumane treatment. This case is crucial to the survival of our right to know and our essential freedom against #USA and #UK oppression -- and now tyranny!— Oliver Stone (@TheOliverStone) April 11, 2019
It's the very same #CrownProsecutionService which destroyed crucial emails on the case, as my lawyers @estelledehon@suigenerisjen and I unearthed thanks to our #FOIA litigation [Archive] https://t.co/imfiD5V1VZ— stefania maurizi (@SMaurizi) April 13, 2019
A must-read:— Media Lens (@medialens) April 12, 2019
'Where is the outrage at the lies we have been served up for these past seven years? Where is the contrition at having been gulled for so long? Where is the fury at the most basic press freedom – the right to publish – being trashed?' https://t.co/I5qndMWqoM
Swedish programmer @Olabini in 90 day pre-trial detention in #Equador on hacking charges, bank accounts frozen. Arrested with warrant for Russian - rewritten after 7 hours; denied lawyer and translator; not read his rights; held for 30 hours before charged. Friend of #Assange. https://t.co/4iPRIc1XbD— Disruption Network Lab (@disruptberlin) April 13, 2019
One reason corporate journalists and star pundits care so little about the danger prosecuting Assange poses to journalism is that none of them engage in actual journalism. They are stenographers who know they won’t ever be targeted by the state bc they mostly serve its interests— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) April 12, 2019
English translation of "Press Release on the Detention of Ola Bini," published in Spanish by his lawyers, and detailing the many irregularities in his arrest by the Ecuadorian state https://t.co/tguZL5aIq5@AndresDelgadoEC@rbonifaz@avilarenata@couragefound#FreeOlaBini— goatsing (@goatsing_again) April 13, 2019
"Isn’t it interesting how an Ecuadorian 'asylum conditions' technicality, a UK bail technicality, and a US whistleblowing technicality all just so happened to converge in a way that just so happens to look exactly the same as imprisoning a journalist for telling the truth?"https://t.co/oxyGbsRJax— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) April 13, 2019
The Guardian, a neoliberal newspaper secretly owned in an offshore tax haven, have decided that the #JulianAssange case is about 'rape'.— FOOTBALL is FIXED (@footballisfixed) April 13, 2019
Katrin Axelsson & Lisa Longstaff of WOMEN AGAINST RAPE beg to differ.
"... the pursuit of Assange is political"https://t.co/6QwEhvQtexhttps://t.co/fGh0zToYe8
Imagine Tony Blair dragged from his multi-million pound Georgian home in Connaught Square, London, in handcuffs. By the standard of Nuremberg, Blair’s “paramount crime” is the deaths of a million Iraqis. Assange’s crime is journalism. https://t.co/GkLDFsxS5o— Nathaniel St. Clair (@NatStClair) April 12, 2019
"So much of what has been reported today about this indictment has been false. Two facts in particular have been utterly distorted by the DOJ and then misreported by numerous media organizations."pic.twitter.com/ILnf8joGwq— Courage Foundation (@couragefound) April 12, 2019
"The whole idea behind @wikileaks is to take the same technologies that allow the #NSA, #Google, etc, to turn you into a source of data, and turn it against them to make you more opaque and them more transparent. This is why he's paying a price" - @yanisvaroufakis#FreeAssangepic.twitter.com/1Fa4kRDJHQ— DiEM25 (@DiEM_25) April 11, 2019
The arrest of Assange carries a warning for all who, as Oscar Wilde wrote, “sew the seeds of discontent [without which] there would be no advance towards civilisation”. The warning is explicit towards journalists. https://t.co/3ez4smjRAJ— CounterPunch (@NatCounterPunch) April 12, 2019
Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S. https://t.co/DxDRPz5Y4dpic.twitter.com/LlJxhL8Ufj— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) April 12, 2019
With the Julian Assange indictment, the Trump administration is launching its boldest attack on press freedom yet. And the #Resistance is cheering it on. https://t.co/4hKUBL6Akw— Jacobin (@jacobinmag) April 12, 2019
IMF agrees to $4.2bn fund for Ecuador https://t.co/2SRfEdVgkH— Financial Times (@FT) February 21, 2019
This is an extremely worrisome development. Now, it is not only journalists and media organizations but also privacy and security advocates who are being persecuted. Ecuador should not be allowed to get away with this. https://t.co/SJ3zaXWyFm— Evgeny Morozov (@evgenymorozov) April 12, 2019
There is so much driving the hatred many journalists harbor for Assange. But a huge part of it is professional jealousy: WikiLeaks broke more massive stories than most of these reporters will ever get close to in their lives, all without joining their insular journalism club.— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 12, 2019
Top whistleblower lawyer @JesselynRadack explains how the war on whistleblowers has been a "backdoor to a war on journalists"https://t.co/1i7StTdnVg— Courage Foundation (@couragefound) April 12, 2019
Courage Foundation's briefing to Members of the European Parliament: Why opposing Julian Assange's extradition to the U.S. matters for European democracy.https://t.co/8cdOWw0bV3— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 12, 2019
Amnesty International calls on the UK to refuse to extradite or send in any other manner #JulianAssange to the USA where there is a very real risk that he could face human rights violations. Read our full statement on Julian Assange's arrest here > https://t.co/rsl8ghBtAt— Amnesty International Australia 🕯 (@amnestyOz) April 12, 2019
How You Can Be Certain That The US Charge Against Assange Is Fraudulent https://t.co/7ruyU0Gv56— zerohedge (@zerohedge) April 12, 2019
Daniel Ellsberg on Assange arrest: The Beginning of the End For Press Freedomhttps://t.co/oFB9ZKfASq— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 12, 2019
— Chris Williamson MP #GTTO (@DerbyChrisW) April 11, 2019
** STATEMENT: Chelsea's legal team responds to today's unsealed indictment. This is further evidence that the government's continued imprisonment of Chelsea for her principled stance against grand jury secrecy is punitive, cruel and unnecessary https://t.co/WZiDuVWHPa— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) April 11, 2019
With the arrest and possible extradition of Julian Assange, the United States comes ever-closer to an authoritarian police state. Assange must be pardoned immediately. Anything else is unacceptable. https://t.co/6EEZCXeUjT— Mike Gravel (@MikeGravel) April 11, 2019
Assange has been arrested in relation to a US extradition request for "conspiracy with Chelsea Manning" for publishing Iraq War Logs, Cablegate, Afghan War Logs, precisely the persecution for which he was granted asylum under the 1951 Refugee Convention in 2012. @unhumanrightspic.twitter.com/i0TezO3SdK— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 11, 2019
Exposing this war crime is the reason why Julian Assange and @xychelsea are in prison today.https://t.co/aHpJrqTaoh— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 11, 2019
Note that Ecuador revoked asylum, nationality 24h after we exposed illegal spying on Assange, his lawyers and doctors, and just days before the UN Rapporteurs on Torture and Privacy were set to meet Assange to investigate rights violations in the embassy. https://t.co/vvbZBOgCwL— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 11, 2019
Arresting Julian Assange for publishing is an attack on fundamental press freedom that democracy depends on. Like Chelsea Manning, US empire wants to imprison him for the "crime" of revealing what our government is doing. All who support democracy must resist!— Dr. Jill Stein🌻 (@DrJillStein) April 11, 2019
Wow! Thank you Shadow Home Secretary @HackneyAbbott for that brilliant speech in defence of press freedom and the human rights of Julian #Assange! Watch the full video (5 mins): Abbott Sticking Up for #Assangehttps://t.co/TvHQAw5dhh#ProtectJulian#NoExtradition@UNHumanRights— Bella Magnani ⏳ (@BellaMagnani) April 11, 2019
.@Wikileaks is a publisher. Charges now brought in connection with its material, or any attempt to extradite #Assange to the United States for prosecution under the deeply flawed cudgel of the Espionage Act 1917, is an attack on all of us. CIJ Statement https://t.co/UKE2OihVow— CIJ (@cijournalism) April 11, 2019
The continued imprisonment of @xychelsea is an utter disgrace. The arrest of Julian Assange represents an extremely dangerous crossing of the rubicon. This is an assault on journalism and a free press. All journalists should stand in fierce opposition.— jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) April 11, 2019
As a journalist who has worked as a media partner of @Wikileaks since 2009, It has been so painful to watch Julian #Assange's health completely declining in the last 9 years as a result of confinement with no end in sight, tremendous stress, threats. Absolutely painful— stefania maurizi (@SMaurizi) April 11, 2019
The greatest traitor in Ecuadorian and Latin American history, Lenin Moreno, allowed the British police to enter our embassy in London to arrest Assange.— Rafael Correa (@MashiRafael) April 11, 2019
Moreno is a corrupt man, but what he has done is a crime that humanity will never forget. https://t.co/XhT51MA6c6
It is confirmed. Scottland Yard detained #Assange not because of a bail breach. As we suspected for so long, UK is a collaborator in the political persecution against a journalist.— Renata Avila (@avilarenata) April 11, 2019
Images of Ecuador's ambassador inviting the UK's secret police into the embassy to drag a publisher of--like it or not--award-winning journalism out of the building are going to end up in the history books. Assange's critics may cheer, but this is a dark moment for press freedom. https://t.co/ys1AIdh2FP— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) April 11, 2019
Important background for journalists covering the arrest of Julian #Assange by Ecuador: the United Nations formally ruled his detention to be arbitrary, a violation of human rights. They have repeatedly issued statements calling for him to walk free--including very recently. pic.twitter.com/fr12rYdWUF— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) April 11, 2019
Julian is in custody for breaching bail conditions imposed over a warrant that was... rescinded. Anyone else would be fined & released. Except that JA's persecution is all about challenging our right to know about the crimes governments commit in our name.https://t.co/7duQodMPlt— Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) April 11, 2019
The action of the British police in literally dragging Julian Assange from the Ecuadorean embassy and the smashing of international law by the Ecuadorean regime in permitting this barbarity are crimes against the most basic natural justice. This is a warning to all journalists.— John Pilger (@johnpilger) April 11, 2019
Five Eyes is the largest criminal conspiracy in history. This five country deep state operation of US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand colluded to spy on each other’s citizens to bypass domestic surveillance laws. It’s thanks to Edward @Snowden and @Wikileaks that we know.— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) April 8, 2019
2. I asked #ScotlandYard for the #CCTV footage to look for FACTUAL information. The lack of any photo/video surfaced 5 months after the story was published + #ScotlandYard answer to my FOIA bring me to draw the conclusion that it's highly likely that #Guardian's story is baseless— stefania maurizi (@SMaurizi) April 7, 2019
An atrocity against your right to know is unfolding. Julian Assange is about to be thrown into the US supermax gulag. Years of fake news is now whittled down to a simple act of revenge against the person who embarrassed our states by exposing to us crimes committed in our name.— Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) April 6, 2019
WikiLeaks has obtained agreed Assange press strategy— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 5, 2019
1. UK lead
2. Ecuador will say Assange has broken many of its invented "asylum terms"
3. UK will say won't let US kill Assange, due process. Ecuador will pretend that this is a concession and that asylum was for death penalty.
Exactly.— Elizabeth Lea Vos (@ElizabethleaVos) April 5, 2019
For journalists, it is impossible to be neutral on this issue. Either they rise up against the persecution of a free press as embodied by WikiLeaks' accurate reporting, or they damn themselves. https://t.co/MdtfYjNF3H