In time for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Football Is Fixed has teamed up with a range of partners to establish the world's first legal hedge fund for trading on global football markets.
As with all hedge funds, FIFAss will be structured as a collective investment scheme utilising private capital to maximise financial appreciation for all clients.
FIFAss will be located in Zurich and a yet to be made public Asian territory and will operate via a secure intranet linking clients with FIFAss traders, markets and data.
So what are the benefits of FIFAss with respect to other football brokers and, indeed, other investment opportunities?
Very few bookmakers allow winning accounts.
Those that do limit liquidity severely and undertake price-scalping to reduce liabilities.
For the last two decades the only route to trading at volume and at a suitable price was via the illegal Asian underground markets (where the payment of winnings was problematical) or via a broker (where the payment of winnings was equally problematical) or via a "special" arrangement with bookmakers over sharing access to proprietary inside information.
In recent times, the fragmented cartel that dominates the corruption underpinning global football has formalised its structure. There is a process in motion that is leading to more secure trading possibilities with contracted and guaranteed payouts.
Hence, there is a window of opportunity where we intend to exercise our considerable competitive advantage.
Behaviouralism in football markets tends towards the sociopathic as insider traders attempt to entirely dominate a market against the interests of all other participants.
But insider trading is invalid and, eventually, will be made illegal through global regulation once realisation of match-fixing at the highest levels enters the public domain.
Insider trading is also pitifully short-termist and self destructive as the greed leads to a tilting of the markets to the extent that the powers-that-be collaborate to undermine the corrupt operators i.e. white market corruption defeating grey/black market corruption.
With the development over the last 5 years of Dark Pools - underground, professional markets where bookmakers and market makers trade against one another away from prying eyes - the global markets have consolidated so that the most able trading organisations are willing to allow greater volume and liquidity in the safe knowledge that they are able to hedge any inappropriate liabilities in these Dark Pools.
Such trading organisations are now much more interested in buying knowledge from groups akin to FIFAss.
At long last, there is meritocratic market access for primary analysts.
A further advantage in the period ahead is that, in many territories around the world, there is no tax to be paid on what the authorities perceive to be "gambling" winnings. This will only remain the case until global regulation of the markets and represents a further benefit in this window of competitive edge.
With financial markets only being kept afloat by quantitative easing, the Ponzi scheme that is free market capitalism guaranteed to offer dismal returns ad nauseum, bond activities being tied into such market distortion and there being little value in holding cash when interest rates are, in reality, negative, all enlightened investors are seeking profitable market access with proprietary alpha.
FIFAss offers such a vehicle,
FIFAss will offer open but limited access to football Dark Pools - this is equivalent to a closed-end hedge fund. But withdrawals and additions may be made at any time up to the asset value limit.
We are restricting the net asset value of the hedge fund to pass under the radar of the major manipulators of global football betting markets i.e. we intend to take our slice without tilting the markets.
Investors will gain access to the fund on a first come first served basis.
Due to the nature of the structure of FIFAss, we are able to offer very limited expenses to be set against net asset value and the management fees will be of minimal significance.
There will be no redemption fees for early withdrawal.
The performance fee will be of greater consequence but, due to the significant levels of return on investment, FIFAss will feature as a primary input in the investment portfolios of all participants.
Although partners in FIFAss undertake consultancy work in the football industry, we will not utilise insider trading in our trading strategies.
We are determinedly anti-corruption.
FIFAss will generate profits through a whole spectrum of analytical techniques including evaluation of the economic and psychological mechanisms underpinning the markets, directional, event-driven and relative value approaches, plus privileged access to Dark Pool market activities.
All of our trading activities will be transparent.
In financial markets, hedge funds destroy their market edge through greed and increasing the assets under management to inappropriate levels.
On the contrary, FIFAss will never accept investment beyond the threshold originally established and, furthermore, the fund will exist for a fixed number of years - our exit route is clearly defined.
FIFAss are in the process of producing a Prospectus for prospective clients which will be available before the end of the year.
At which point we will open the closed-end fund.
Watch this space for further details.
© Football is Fixed 2006-2013