For Green Fields.
For Green Fields is the Football Is Fixed Network's information provision service.
The Network have made some significant structural changes over the summer break.
Several members are moving towards establishing an Ecology charity to address climate catastrophe (see below for details).
In the meantime, for this season we are offering three newly constructed services for industry professionals:
A daily Newsletter published every day where Premier League matches take place
A £25K annual subscription (covering season 2023/24 and Euro 2024) which provides professional trading advices at kick off in Champions League, Premier League, Serie A & La Liga.
This service is compiled from our own internal analytics and inside information together with inputs from our SE Asian broker who collates all dark pool and professional insider trading and hedging globally.
In the first two weeks of the season we have provided advices on 18 out of the 19 Premier League matches played and have been correct 100% of the time.
We also have achieved 100% returns in Italy & Spain although not from so many events.
Additionally, clients will receive all chapters from Book 2 of our Trilogy as they are completed - these chapters contain evidences of the systemic corruption underpinning UK football.
A £50K annual subscription providing the full Messi package plus access to all of contents of the Football Is Fixed Network's Internal Documents published over the year - these documents are where we share the current holistics and specifics of corruption structures together with evidences etc.
Ecology Charity
As many of you are interested in reputation management and philanthropy, we are seeking to negotiate over the start-up expenses for an Ecology charity.
Once we have the funds in place, the Football Is Fixed Network will disband with immediate effect as there is nothing left to save in football.
If you have any interest in any of the above then please contact me at: or use the Contact Form on our blog page at:
Jeremiah Bullivant on behalf of the Football Is Fixed Network
© 2023 Football is Fixed