In the Premier League, the once every blue fucking moon happens week after week after week - bizarre 'mistakes' by non-trying defenders, schoolboy 'errors' by dodgy goalkeepers, outright wrong decisions from referees joined at the hip to global betting markets (as are the players via their agents and accomplices), matchfixing our sport, stripping out the value to ultimately deposit it in their nice safe offshore havens; private equity barons destroying football and turning its colossal global capital into a betting medium where these psychopaths trade their criminalities with others who believe that they too have cornered the market on a non-sporting event, while the government (at best) turns the other way or (at worst) partakes of the proprietary booty as class war is waged on the working classes who made football the greatest sport on the planet... the ex-players corrupted by the markets who seamlessly slide into management or media to hide future corruptions as a reward for their input to past ones, while Gary Fucking Lineker chuckles away modelling underwear eating crisps being a cad in a sort of "I understand that systemic matchfixing and doping were behind the Leicester City Fairy Tale but look into my eyes, I'm a grocer's son who never got booked, look into my eyes..."; while the Premier League version of VAR when finally introduced was illegal under IFAB rules and guaranteed matchfixing by crooked officials into perpetuity and it's a black-box - no open mike, no managerial review of decisions, no visual images to fans in the ground or on television while the referee won't even make the final decision as that will be left to an 84 year Mike Dean who, as VAR official, will have the referee's voice in one earpiece and his South East Asian broker in the other (who pays for Mr Dean's flights to meet with market-makers, by the way?); even the global betting markets are destroyed by this short-termist sociopathic capitalism - there are now many SE Asian operations who refuse trades linked to the UK and its commonwealth of rogue betting islands; the markets are entirely cornered on some games and every table has a hierarchy of patsies waiting to be stripped of their assets by Gekko and his like - give us your money and we will trade it in the markets using our big brain edge but woe betide your wealth prospects if you end up on the wrong side of a market that lizards and small people are cornering; and the mainstream media becomes superfluous as their output mirrors the catastrophic corruption, (in)directly orchestrating the crimes, flashing up images of unique casts of diving prima donnas, the commentators of the new future corrupting the game of the present - give us betting markets where we can bet on who will be on BT Sport in the future, we'd clean up, in fact just give us betting markets where non-insider trading winning accounts are allowed, winnings actually paid, and let's regulate this betting industry (particularly the dark pools and underground) and ban insiders fixing games to the disadvantage of all other parties - fans, viewers, some media companies, various subscribers, losers in the marketplace; it is a mafia structure, everything about the systemic matchfixing of Premier League and FA Cup football reeks of mafia and their ludicrous blinkered short-sightedness and fucked up greed. The fans can detect dubious games - watch the 2018/19 games Liverpool 1 Brighton 0 or Liverpool 4 Palace 3 or Bournemouth 0 Liverpool 4 or ....... and tell me that these games are for real. You might not understand why Liverpool didn't bother trying to score more versus Brighton and you might realise that most of Bournemouth seemed to be playing for Liverpool in that fixed event, but it is only when you 'hack' into the betting markets and intercept realities that the full truth of this ruination of our sport comes into focus; and those of us who network to try and prevent this mass destruction by a rabid neo-liberal late capitalist monstrosity are writing for our lives (or, at the very least, our freedoms); we become the excluded as our members must not be allowed anywhere near any footballing entity - we open betting markets, fraud forensics and futurescanning corrupt templates over time, but sousveillance and whistleblowing are not wealth creation activities; the mainstream media captured by mafia figures lies in wait as we surf the zeitgeist of corruption - that gap between the reality of the corruption and the public perception of it - breaking news into the stream and creating torsion and twists into the fake news being shared by UK football media bots, knowing that if we mistake our surfing there are perils beneath. Fans are all that is left to save football, everyone else is monetising it and stripping its beauty to leave a rotting corpse of the game. It will rebuild (planetary ecosystem providing) but the top of the game has gone, and the commentators will still eulogise about Tony Bloom and charity and how great it is for the EPL that this character remains to fix our futures... because when it comes down to it, if you have a global betting market on a game of £5 billion and the referee is on a few grand per week and players represented by the █████ group of agents are told that they will have a career for life in football if they acquiesce in the here and now and if you allow these insiders and their associates to trade on these corruptions to grab a slice of that five billion while former players in the studio tell you how X can't happen despite their huge investments to the contrary (while being paid by bookmakers for their troubles) and then the papers write about it the next day with lots of unique pictures and lots of key words, stellar appraisals and base instincts, and the scam is landed, the spectacle complete and football is fucked.
The final nail in the coffin of football is hammered home when one realises what this corruption holistically does to the sport - it turns it into a market, everything is derivative to that non-regulated market, and those undertaking the matchfixing can make the outcome whatever they wish. The process is simply one of looking at the array of options and selecting the outcome that most suits short term cash flow - the mafia optimise the outcomes to their array of market interests, inversions are the norm over a day and over longer periods of time and, as we showed in the MOBgate post a few years ago, these inversions can be set up as stings by a slick anti-corruption entity.
Project Restart and Project Big Picture were simply psychopathic hostile power grabs masquerading as a disaster capitalism rescue package.
Enjoy Your Fixball!
Football is Fixed.