Half Time Pep Talk
James Joyce: "History is a nightmare from which I'm trying to wake"
This book is going to extra time and penalties.
When we made the decision to publish over a nine month gestation period we understood that there would be some benefits and some disbenefits prior to the birth.
On the positive side of the balance scales, we have the ability to provide a newsfeed overview of one of the most tumultuous windows in the history of football as it evolves on a continuum. The structure also enables original templates to be created securely without those who would undermine us being able to determine our future strategies. The real-time publishing also allows readers to be in the midst of a book as it forms - a work in motion in a world in motion - and it allows us to leave all of the irritating minutiae until closer to the final publishing date when readers will be given access to the website with fully edited and accented content.
On the other dish, there are a few difficulties in developing a suitable schedule for the release of information over the pregnancy and, more importantly, there is the feasibility for the axes of engagement to alter.
On the other dish, there are a few difficulties in developing a suitable schedule for the release of information over the pregnancy and, more importantly, there is the feasibility for the axes of engagement to alter.
Entirely alter.
Or even for terminations to occur.
In the introduction to his book "Larceny Games", Brian Tuohy opens with:
"Don't write this book. This is not for the faint of heart. They are going to fucking kill you if they can."
That was the advice I received from investigative journalist Dan Moldea prior to writing even a single sentence of the book you now read. I probably should have taken his words to heart, considering Moldea knows of what he speaks. In 1989, his book "Interference: How Organised Crime Influences Professional Football" was published, perhaps the only book to investigate game fixing / points shaving in the National Football League (or in any of the professional sports leagues for that matter). The book, Moldea claimed, destroyed his career. "Sometimes I wish they would've killed me," he lamented. "I really do because it just stopped me. I had a fucking great career going and it just stopped me."
It begins with the threats.
The Russian investigative journalist who disclosed that █████ █████ were involved in the doping of █████ █████ in their title-winning season was silenced via menaces. If you were to disclose that █████ █████ have intimate links with █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ and that they provide them with high level market information, the threats would flow - after all mafia and integrity don't mix.
When Football Is Fixed disclosed John Colquhoun's involvement in the fixing of a Premier League match in 2008, we received threats. The idiot failed to hide his IP address!
Although it was allegedly a summer day, it was Manchester so it was wet and miserable with the cloud level at around 10 feet.
It was also covid-19 time so the agreed meeting took place outdoors in a garden.
Only one party was wired.
I was having my third meeting over a 4 year period with █████ █████ █████ █████ █████.
Although from elevated planes in the football hierarchy, my visitor is primarily a representative of the British state.
A spy.
Our discussions were complex.
With reference to matchfixing and corruption in sport, █████ █████ is spot on - his career has been decimated due to his attempts at sporting legitimacy via exposures of the corruption in football which we all now understand to be systemically orchestrated under the knowing connivance of the authorities, regulatory bodies, institutions and government / state - those who should be policing the sport.
█████ █████ was / is a British military intelligence operative who was involved in the war of occupation in the Six Counties, particularly with regard to undercover investigations of South Armagh IRA (SAIRA).
Military intelligence produces some mint spies.
Over coffee, biscuits and cake we approached the deal.
"You have two options - either you stop publishing evidences of systemic corruption in British football or you will be killed."
"Cool. We'll sell Bloom the brand for £5 million and then we can call it quits."
Our legal people were utilising █████ █████ as a go-between in an attempt to negotiate with certain corrupt entities in British football to achieve a mutually beneficial, win-win, no Catch 22, no zero-sum solution.
As a network, we had reached the conclusion that it is futile to continue to attempt to save a sport that cannot be saved.
Although our aim was to interact in good faith, we were informed by a doubled deep insider that our network was being set up for a fall.
So we permanently withdrew from the battlefield of engagement and terminated all possibilities of future negotiations with those corrupting the sport on these islands.
As whistleblowers, we have no rights.
But we do possess extensive evidences of a whole array of systemic and particular corruptions and we only ever reveal 5% of our evidences.
We are up against the Deep State and their 'associated' mafia partners.
But the ball will always remain in our court even if we are blood-splattered corpses left prostate on the baseline.
And the 95% would destroy the image of the sport in a no-score draw.
Once these current books are completed and published, I will no longer be active in the Football Is Fixed Network.
Taking on mafia entities for a quarter of a century takes its toll - it has cost me my marriage and, nearly, my life.
The sport is rancid, it is not worthy of time nor effort and I'm not willing to martyr myself over something that no longer exists in a legitimate form.
Time to lace up the boots and let's see where we get to during the second half, extra time and penalties...
... this match still has surprises in store.
Corruption Infrastructures Don't Burn Down By Themselves - Learn To Burn
Nigel Wilkins: "[The City's regulator... should be] a global policeman to stop people using institutions in London to plunder their fellow countrymen and women. [Instead it was] on the side of the crooks"
Fifth Estate direct action is the only way to address systemic corruptions.
Let's start with the concept of a robust cellular network with proprietary communication routes.
I first encountered cellular networks being a founder member of Manchester Animal Liberation Front in 1981. Although infiltrated by undercover operatives, the basic cosmic web structure was a perfect platform so long as there were no weak nodes in the network.
When seeking to create the ultimate cellular web, Football Is Fixed looked to SAIRA instead.
Whereas the Belfast Brigade of the IRA was heavily compromised by Stakeknife (Freddie Scappaticci), the South Armagh group were politically kith and kin.
Not only was SAIRA impenetrable on a human level, unique communication routes were developed and utilised to prevent any weaknesses in the flow of information.
To destabilise disaster structures, a group requires absolute physical and informational security, deep contacts to solicit inside information and top tier analysts to dig into the flourishing corruption and degradation of legitimacy. Spies and doubled insiders coupled with suitable messengers are also necessary for the lubrication.
If you wish to learn to burn...
* Use a cellular structure so that each individual only has knowledge of a fraction of overall activities. This makes it exceedingly difficult for any network to be infiltrated.
* Each cell should feature between four and six operatives who are unknown to one another beforehand; each cell should be autonomous; try to operate outside your own area; confuse the misnomer that is military intelligence.
* In an effective cell, attacks should be well-targeted, infrequent and meticulously planned.
* To avoid infiltration, a network should grow organically and be managed with great care - Football Is Fixed very rarely enter into conversations with entities that approach us.
* Be willing to undertake a long war. Alongside primary objectives of engagement, develop secondary strategic goals.
* Don't expect victory. Our late lawyer David McNeight told me that a winning draw would be the best that one can achieve against a state that refuses to make public new realities arising from direct action.
* Within your group or network, operate on a need-to-know basis to avoid in-depth answers to pertinent questions. Careless talk costs lots of things. No entity should know everybody.
* We are not willing to go into details about the various modes that Football Is Fixed utilise to remain in communication with one another. But you have no privacy as a whistleblower so it is imperative to establish proprietary privacy templates. In your favour, the state and its operatives are not difficult enemies when it comes to sowing confusion and disinformation to pre-prepared matrices built around random number generation.
* Use sophisticated layers of decoys probabilistically randomised to avoid any potential vulnerability to machine learning algorithms. Use white noise and synchronised blitzes of disinformation to disguise signals. Artistry will still defeat brute force if applied creatively and holistically.
* Always negotiate from a position of strength. Timing is critical. Recognise that you are in a war with a vertically integrated hierarchy of corruption and, given the innate unreliability of such a body, be prepared to thought-experiment on negotiation tactics to determine your opponent's hidden agendas. If there are serious options, you will know. As MI6 mediator Michael Oatley admitted about his 1975 negotiations with Irish Republicans, ambiguous statements were deliberately made to enable all sides to see the ceasefire as beneficial.
* If you suspect that there are inappropriate leaks from the network, use fragmentation of network, disinformation and monitoring to find the reality (witness Coleen Rooney's awesome counter-intelligence leading to the exposure of Rebekah Vardy - this was the perfect amateur example of this form of detection - Jamie's wife provides the Sun with exclusives to stop the Sun publishing exclusives about Jamie). Coleen rumbled her and cracked the mask.
* Develop relationships with middle class professionals with no connections to the whistleblowing of corruption - one of the primary reasons that the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia will not disappear into the void is the network of professionals orchestrated by her and her three sons.
* Avoid paranoia. Paranoia leads to fear. Even though just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get you, state entities seek to use their hidden powers to coerce whistleblowers towards suitable psychological behaviours. Do not conform to any external agenda.
* Always develop counter-intelligence measures before adopting a cellular structure. Weed out inefficiency. Create a small but taut organisation able to efficiently mount attacks indefinitely. Internal leaks are far easier to discover on such solid foundations. To impose layers on this structure, develop self-contained semi-autonomous groups with very limited links to the core web and very specific aims.
* Allow imaginative dialogue and informal negotiations with enemies but recognise that a perfidious state will only communicate with the aim of degrading the network's anti-corruption capacities. Observe protocols only so long as there is something of value on the table. Otherwise, withdraw and scoff.
* Accept the inevitable Catch-22's that surface from time to time. As Niall O'Dochartaigh explained in his book "The Longest Negotiation": Republican leaders' willingness to negotiate had the "perverse effect of providing incentives for the British government to minimise movement towards the Republican position."
* All networks consist of hawks and doves. A balanced strategy requires inputs from both. The Deep State is psychopathic and such behaviours need to be mirrored back onto their territories.
* Maintain a continuing intelligence and anti-corruption media campaign during any backchannel communications with state and / or mafia.
* When conducting warfare against non-robust systemic corruption templates, develop strategy around the fact that the enemy isn't united. Westminster and Whitehall have very different goals than an insider trader corrupting the matches of the club he owns or on a pint-sized mafia man from Stirling who self-harms above his weight. No unity, just self-interest. All cartels fragment. Exploit territory.
* And, as an aside, you can't defeat a meme with an exploit!
* Always avoid any centralisation of approach. Tommy McKearney: "The greatest threat to a cell system... is when someone from Headquarters (particularly if they have responsibility for coordinating or scrutinising activities) is working for the opposition, and it is now recognised that ... Freddie Scappaticci... [was] carrying out this role for British intelligence."
* Keep moving. Surveillance and eavesdropping are easier against a stationary target. When located in only one location, conduct no communications or strategy by electronic means. Use burners if absolutely necessary.
* Never announce projects or strategies too far ahead of time unless this leakage of strategy to the enemy is actually a part of the holistic war game. The Football Is Fixed Network used this latter tactic to expose the extensive private matchfixing undertaken by agent John Colquhoun and PGMOB referee Jonathan Moss - they were stung by a sting into inverting their matchfixing hence disclosing their malfeasance.
* Apart from during backchannel or other progressive interactions with corrupt operators, always remain silent throughout any 'interviews'.
* Pay absolute attention to detail. During one network meeting in the dim and distant past, a colleague announced the timing of Tony Bloom insider trading on Brighton and Hove Albion games (many professional matchfixers are habitual about their trading patterns). My colleague gave a five minute time window. Somebody responded: "Well is it 10:00? Is it 09:55? Is it 10:05? Go back and find out."
* Be very very very risk averse. A network can only survive long-term by being ultra-cautious. When we are launching an anti-corruption media action or campaign, if one factor appears out of place, the entire operation is called off.
It was █████ █████ who provided me with the anecdote relating to the British state allowing global matchfixer Raj Perumal to walk free despite him being surrounded by military intelligence operatives in a hotel room in London in possession of £100K to be used as a bribe to fix a Vauxhall Conference game.
As the arrest was about to be made, the state ordered the operatives to withdraw and Perumal walked free.
Always ask why the state sponsors corruption?
Why does the British state sponsor sporting corruption?
█████ █████ has now retired to the Orkneys to bury deep his Diplock Gold.
Crime pays.
State-based crime pays and then some.
Chinua Achebe: "A toad does not run in the daytime for nothing."
I've forgotten more than you will ever know, he said to the Turing machine...
There Is No Tomorrow
Terry Steans informed me that the Americans made a strategic decision to take over world football prior to his own suitable and associated appointment to the upper spheres of investigation at FIFA and beyond - a US / UK platform was developed as the two neo-liberal states sought control of the sport and the betting and transfer markets linked to it.
There Is No Tomorrow
Sir Roger Penrose: "There is no universal algorithm for deciding whether or not a Turing machine is going to stop"
A fundamental rule of corruption detection in UK football is as follows - if there is an integrity body or a charity connected to the entity, it's crooked.
So we have the chutzpah of Tony Bloom matchfixing here there and fucking everywhere utilising the Starlizard betting syndicate while also establishing an entirely fake pseudo-entity - Starlizard Integrity Services (SIS) - as a smokescreen to hide his matchfixing crimes behind.
What sort of contorted world is it where SIS allegedly release information on suspicious games when the most suspicious games are suspicious because of the actions of the individuals overseeing SIS!?
Or we have John Colquhoun establishing an array of mental health charities fronted by clients who have developed mental health issues solely through the coercion and corruption enforced by Mr Small's modus operandi.
But these reputation laundering sleights of hand merely shuffle a pseudo-reality to the top of the pack of the systemic corruption for a limited time window.
Other fake realities may be constructed on these shifting sands of falsehood.
Project Big Picture is the latest such explosion fronted in the UK by American-owned north west giants Liverpool FC and Manchester United. The initial shot across the bows was to weaken defences against the eventual complete takeover of English football (and its incipient corruption) by US finance houses, hedge funds and private equity asset strippers.
Terry Steans informed me that the Americans made a strategic decision to take over world football prior to his own suitable and associated appointment to the upper spheres of investigation at FIFA and beyond - a US / UK platform was developed as the two neo-liberal states sought control of the sport and the betting and transfer markets linked to it.
Since then there has been a clatter of cascading dominoes clearing the path to US domination of the world's favourite sport - the targeting of Blatter and Platini and their replacement by captured entities Infantino and Ceferin; the takeover of numerous English and Italian clubs and the creation of cross-linkages between them (e.g. Manchester United, Inter Milan, AS Roma, Blackpool and Liverpool or a parallel branch that leads to Brighton and Hove Albion, Red Bull Salzburg, Rasen Ballsport Leipzig and Liefering); the parallel doping strategies shared at these clubs; the acquisitions of corrupted UK football agents by US counterparts e.g. Key Sports Management and Base; the attempt of a takeover of leading UK bookmaker Ladbrokes by MGM Resorts - the biggest American casino entity.
Furthermore, Murad Ahmed in the Financial Times points out the full list of private equity companies who are currently showing an interest in investing in the Bundesliga - Apollo, Bain Capital, BC Partners, BDT Capital, Blackstone, Bregal, Bridgepoint, Carlyle, Centerbridge, Cinven, CVC Capital Partners, Endeavour (jointly with Silver Lake), General Atlantic, Goldman Sachs Principal Investment, IGC, HIG, KKR, Nexicap, Permira, Searchlight and TPG - 21 money-grabbing sociopathic bodies chasing the 18 top flight German teams...
Meanwhile CVC Capital Partners and Advent are seeking "breakaway clauses" for £1.45 billion to buy into Italy's Serie A which is already reeling in the integrity department due to Wall Street lending to Inter and the Elliott hedge fund backing neighbours Milan.
And the whole Super League narrative has been energised by Barcelona's outgoing president Josep Bartomeu and particularly by the true Spanish mastermind Florentino Perez at Real Madrid who developed a £4.4 billion plan alongside JP Morgan.
One is even able to monitor the development of these networks via player transfers - all those Manchester United players disappearing to US backed Italian clubs or the variety of transfer arrangements that underpin the Liverpool cartel of teams.
The tentacles of corruption inevitably reach across Hadrian's Wall - a member of our network has been shown evidences that Glasgow Celtic club agent John Colquhoun is aiding Glasgow Rangers in the 2020/21 title race. These manipulations and corrupting inputs are positive to the Ibrox club and negative to the Parkhead one. And the overall holistic is linked to the power plays of the Liverpool cartel.
There is no honour among thieves.
This is how it feels when the 'Gers steal one in a row...
As one top European football official states: "You have Wall Street. It's pretty relentless and they will come again and again."
This is simply US sporting imperialism.
And the business model is entirely corrupt.
Project Big Picture (like its forerunner Project Restart) is a psychopathic power grab. The whole idea of a private league dominated by US-owned clubs is a dicey game for Europe's football elites - the mafia orchestrators who are acting as middlemen for this holistic takeover of the sport are using the disorientation caused by the covid-19 pandemic to consolidate and expand their control over the game.
The Super League will become cartelised via ownership and shared strategic interests and will lead to a markedly greater inequality in the sport with many lower league clubs disappearing into the quintessence.
Again, according to Murad Ahmed, Project Big Picture is partly a move to reduce English matches to ensure dates exist for more European games and it is worthy of note that executives at the Premier League and the English Football League (EFL) kept Project Big Picture secret from all but the top six English clubs in a rampant abuse of power that should have seen the mafia-backed placeman Dick Masters sacked along with EPL chairman Gary Hoffman.
Further manoeuvrings in the power sphere in England during the pandemic has seen Greg Clarke removed from his role as FA chairman primarily because he opposed Project Big Picture fearing that it would increase "the concentration of power and wealth" in the big clubs.
This, in effect, allowed a takeover of the FA by the Premier League after former EPL executive Peter McCormick was helicoptered in as interim acting chairman of the governing body of the English game.
What is this Project Big Picture Super League?
No relegation (investors want a steady return on investment and not the ups and downs caused by performance), no risk, absolute control of match outcomes with the ensuing trading possibilities on multi-million pound betting markets and a control of the sabermetric data that determines player value via the doctoring of events to promote certain clients (we already have hundreds of instances where a goalkeeper represented by Agent A concedes a goal scored by another client of Agent A while Agent A bets on the contorted reality in the underground markets - a double whammy of insider trading and value creation. Fragmented cartels of agents work equivalently.
Project Restart and Project Big Picture are really nothing more than a Project Corruption (PC).
Yet not very PC at all.
Just an ochlocracy of financiers tenderpreneuring their way to control of the global game.
Football is not safe in the hands of those who have elected themselves as the game's overlords.
For example.
Rick Parry, the former chief executive of Liverpool, sold out on his role as chairman of the EFL by his involvement in and promotion of Project Big Picture on behalf of his former employers and to the detriment of the leagues he allegedly represents. Sack him.
Dick Masters, whose appointment as chief executive of the Premier League was directly contrived by the owners of Liverpool and Manchester United, is a puppet who, in effect, continues the same strategies as those that would have been activated by the previous attempt at the appointment, David Pemsel, the Integrity Man.
Andy Holt, the chairman of League One outfit Accrington Stanley, confronted Parry: "The EFL is being used to support the indefensible - the shafting of two-thirds of the Premier League."
And, of course, the timelines always reveal everything that the crooks attempt to shroud in mist - on October 11th 2020, the Telegraph newspaper ran the world exclusive story breaking Project Big Picture.
One day earlier on October 10th 2020, Eurosport revealed that John Henry (the Liverpool FC owner) was seeking a stock market listing for the club (worth $1.6 billion) involving a reverse takeover by RedBall Acquisition Corporation, a SPAC set up by Billy Beane and Gerry Cardinale.
Fake reality creates mafia profits.
And all the while, in the background largely peripheralised or ignored by mainstream media, hundreds of ex-players are dying due to covid-19 or dementia while the English game posits itself as some kind of essential industry that must be able to trample roughshod over all defensive measures to protect the general population from the pandemic.
And, fuck you, we want crowds back in grounds as soon as possible.
Fuck the health consequences.
Money matters more.
We miss your fucking money.
Football has become a narrative that can no longer be told.
Tom Burgis: "If you can't beat them, he reasoned, at least annoy them."
The Real Truth Is Always Subversive
Mick McGahey: "They'll only stop chasing you when you stop running"
Capitalism creates high and rising inequality.
So does neo-liberal football.
W.B. Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.
Capitalism is a pyramid scheme.
So is insider trading-dominated football.
Capitalists maintain power using social and political means and mafia liaisons.
So does English football.
Piketty: "Every human society must justify its inequalities"
The elites use ideologies - a set of a priori plausible ideas and discourses describing how society and sport should be structured.
These ideologies are illegitimate and unjust.
A new consensus is coming out of these new realities - focus more on real-time economic and investigative data produced by both whistleblowers and private firms.
Although neo-liberals would argue that a pandemic government is not fit for every day life, we would contest that neo-liberal life is not fit for any government wishing to avoid corruption, kickbacks, coercion and mafia.
And yet again we come back to the role of an illegitimate Deep State.
It is not only that the British state is a corporate entity when it comes to bookmaking / football, arms dealing and the City of London; it is not only that there is either no or insufficient regulation of any of these sectors; it is not only that the British state allows global matchfixers to walk free when caught red-handed.
It is just a fact of our democratic reality that democracy is punctured by Deep State forces, an example of such elite dovetailing being the appointment of Zionist Dan Rosenfield as the new chief adviser to our inept prime minister. In 2016 Rosenfield became an adviser at Hakluyt & Company - a corporate strategy advisory firm with very close links to the secret service (it was formed by former officials of MI6).
The chairman of Hakluyt is Paul Deighton who also just happens to be chairman of The Economist.
So, in 2021, the secret service can run the state while the PM spaffs and snorts his way through life.
Excellent stuff.
Juvenal: Satire Number 4 - The Tale Of A Turbot:
Crispinus once again! a man whom I shall often have to call on to the scene, a prodigy of wickedness without one redeeming virtue; a sickly libertine, strong only in his lusts... What matters it then how spacious are the colonnades which tire out his horses, how large the shady groves in which he drives, how many acres near the Forum, how many palaces, he has bought. No bad man can be happy: least of all the incestuous seducer with whom lately lay a filleted princess, doomed to pass beneath the earth with the blood still warm within her veins."
The Deep State control of democracy is paralleled by the grotesque treatment of Julian Assange by the US and UK.
What sort of democracy do these countries offer when mercenaries who carried out extrajudicial killings of Iraqi civilians are released by presidential pardon while the journalist who exposed such crimes against humanity is hunted down and still (at the time of writing) faces extradition to the US and torture and a life sentence for telling the truth?
Truth must not get in the way of power.
As Peter Pomerantsev covers in his book "Nothing Is True And Everything Is Possible" - we all understand that there will be no real politics but the state still has to give the sense that something is happening: the spurious narratives, the fake enemies, the redefinition of what constitutes a fact, the wholesale manipulation of the electorate. "If you can't convince them, confuse them."
Hannah Arendt: "Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lives, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it."
_________________________________________________________________________________W.B. Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.
© 2021 Football is Fixed
© 2021 Football is Fixed