Our Christmas posts for 2019 focus on Manchester City, marginal gains, matchfixing, mafia and meritocracy.
We provide three disparate yet linked tales of how marginal gains undermine robust holistic advancement ensuring that a criminalised psychopathy triumphs over the public good.
The lack of meritocracy engendered by these mafia infrastructures causes a systemic long-term harm to football.
To celebrate living in the end times, we're publishing a trilogy of Christmas Carols
1) What's Going So Wrong with Manchester City and What's Going So Right for Liverpool
2) What's Going So Wrong with VAR and What's Going So Right for Insider Traders
3) What's Going So Wrong with Mafia and What's Going So Right for 5th Estate Anti-Corruption Journalists
Marginal Gains
But first we need to address marginal gains.
Marginal gains first reached the attention of the sporting public when Team Sky cycling team pushed every input to the threshold of illegality and then beyond in order to lever a donkey and other dopers onto victory podia across France and other accommodating countries.
This systemic corruption destroyed the legacy of Team Skydespite the victories.
No matter how much controlled media told us wonderful fairy tales about Wiggins and Froome, nobody actually believed them - it was a fake reality ensconced in history and is now accepted as such.
No glory there.
The change of name to Team INEOS doesn't work either - the perception remains that INEOS continue to be doped up athletes with secreted motors utilising illegal marginal gains.
So the deal is that you trade wealth for credibility.
You sell out.
In late capitalism, every market sector evolves to maturity usually in the form of a cartel, a monopoly or duopoly or another mafia template of some sort.
Although these sectoral structures come together to work towards mutually beneficial defence e.g. against onerous regulation, these edifices fragment and fight over turf for the remainder of the time.
In mature market sectors there is little likelihood of game-changing inputs - there is a low probability that one of the Big Four accounting firms is going to develop an entirely new business model, for example.
So, there's a whole bunch of people out there who perceive that marginal gains are the only way to gain edge in mature markets.
(Of course, creative thinking would be a better provider of unique competitive edge but there is minimal creativity in psychopathic structures and individuals.)
So, in football, there is a battle going on between the Gestifute grouping of agents and the Stellar/ Key Sports/ Unique/ Base family of operators.
Although agents of the world unite when intermediaries are threatened with some limitation on their leeching from the sport, the world for agents is in a state of permanent war.
To gain edge, excessive marginal gains are enacted - matchfixing games, third party ownership of players, takeover of media, insider trading, money laundering & tax evasion, coercion of match officials and players, control of institutions, systemic doping and mafia violence.
But marginal gains only work up to the threshold of a sweet spot thereafter being psychopathic, revealing and self-harming.
Each successful implementation of a marginal gain by one agent grouping against another exposes information on the crimes at play.
An agent could be legitimate and earn his 15%.
An agent might realise that if one of his clients kicked the ball straight out of play from the kick off, he could sell 'Time of 1st Throw-In' on the spread markets and be quids in.
An agent might reckon that if he started representing more goalkeepers, he could 'persuade' them to let in goals, particularly if such goals are scored by other clients in the stable.
An agent might start betting on knowledge of this insider corruption.
An agent might recognise that you need more match control to take more betting market control and reach agreements with several PGMOB match officials.
An agent might come across other entities trying to achieve the same corruptions and seek to develop networks to offset enemies - here a number of agents would work together to fix games.
An agent might understand that 5th Estate anti-corruption investigative journalists are on his case and start seeking to disguise his corruption matrices. So, third party ownership of players and setting up satellite agencies allows greater but more opaque control of the field of play.
An agent might seek to cement betting market control by linking with numerous doping entities in the underworld.
An agent might want to take control of international teams by levering in managers and using kickbacks as a lubrication to get his often underperforming clients selected to play for their country.
An agent needs to start paying under-the-table brown envelopes to mafia entities to launder their processes in the black market. Meanwhile, the UK state and its offshore dominions offer crime secretion and tax evasion for monies from the grey and white markets.
An agent might feel limited by the volume that he can safely trade on the events that he is matchfixing and so become a part of a larger betting entity, established solely for the purpose of matchfixing and cornering global markets against peripheral patsies.
An agent might comprehend that the illicit wealth being created in a not-very-subtle-stylish-nor-discreet manner is becoming public knowledge via leaks, hacks and 5th Estate journalism and sign deals to transform mainstream media output into a suppression of corruption realities and an advertorial for those very entities that are orchestrating this corruption.
An agent might develop a cartel of clubs in the upper leagues for enhanced matchfixing, the control of league promotion and relegation and the promotion of clients.
An agent will quickly come to find that managerial change at clubs outside the cartel strengthens his power base and provides matchfixing opportunities as well.
An agent might seek to make his criminalised template systemic by taking over the institutions of power - starting small with taking over referee selection, then moving larger and seeking to take over the entire Premier League.
An agent might create spectacles to demonstrate his mafia control of the corruptions in British football - perhaps a 9-0 away win live on the telly where one of his clients scores a hat-trick.
An agent might start seeking enhanced reputation management and a legacy and a burying of the murky past.
An agent, as part of burying that past, might seek to 'remove' those who know-too-much.
An agent might develop a God Complex.
Once this agent started on his path, this conclusion was an inevitability.
If he hadn't perpetrated the corruptions, someone else would and power would have shifted in the game.
That's the issue here - absolute power requires absolute psychopathy.
But marginal gains is a self-harming psychopathy that reveals corruptions to observers.
And this is where marginal gains falls down.
An agent is featured in all 3 of the Christmas tales below...
What's Going So Wrong with Manchester City and What's Going So Right for Liverpool
An agent could become involved in creating cartels of teams for result manipulation, insider trading, client promotion and systemic corruption, so he could...
We have exclusively detailed the systemic corruption underpinning the improvement in the fortunes of Liverpool FC in other places - see Lizards, Lacertae & Liverpool - this template features the cartelised treatment of other clubs, the control of some PGMOB officials, insider trading and matchfixing...
In season 2019/20, these corruptions have inflated with four more teams liaising directly over match outcomes and several more match officials added to the corruption roster.
The biases against Manchester City and in favour of Liverpool via the mis-application of VAR represents a systemic crime.
We saw in the World Club Cup Final how a legitimate non-fraudulent referee deals with VAR - Abdulrahman Al Jassim is in a different class to the mafia-linked operatives presented to us by the PGMOB.
But the response to corruption in a competitive marketplace has to be holistic, robust and analytically astute and Manchester City have not stepped up to the mark.
The initial business model at Manchester City was simple but enlightening - sovereign wealth + meritocracy = growth + expansion.
And for a number of years this worked. Wonderfully.
But the weakness was in the structure.
Private fiefdoms became established in the club (particularly within the self-harming entity that is Manchester City Analytics) and bottlenecks of inefficiency developed at key communication points while numerous individuals surfed their performance protecting their mortgages and private school financing while adding little to the overall project.
The evolution of these fiefdoms has entirely undermined the club.
Meritocracy has been trumped by mediocrity.
Good people are leaving and others (like the Football is Fixed Network) are not willing to get involved - we refuse to work with any entity that leaks and withdraw immediately in such instance (as we did with City).
Leading people in Manchester City Analytics have been sacked recently following our disclosures of deliberate leakage of proprietary analytics to Liverpool (via a mafia-influenced route) and absolute poverty of performance in assessing corruptions being perpetrated against Manchester City's interests. City have lost Sancho and the 2019/20 Premier League title because of Manchester City Analytics - the entire entity needs disbanding and rebuilding more professionally.
And when Manchester City do raise a point with the EPL, it is peripheral to a strong argument.
So Guardiola correctly complained about the fixture scheduling over the xmas window but the entire fixture list is game theorised to the benefit of the Liverpool cartel of teams - last Saturday saw four EPL games entirely controlled results-wise and in the global betting markets by the participating teams - that isn't sport, that is a gambling scam.
Manchester City also leaks like a sieve. We know of 8 individuals (including three players) who do not have Manchester City's best interests at heart either deliberately by batting for the other side or via inefficiencies and stupidities undermining the operation.
And this has impact.
With one player who repeatedly underplays his professional hand, the knowledge is in South East Asian betting markets pre-match - and, before kick off, we all know if he is going to have a Timeform squiggle next to his name.
Another example - Oxbridge educated Vicky Kloss is Chief Communications Officer at the club.
Yet on foreign trips she is the biggest source of cybersecurity weakness in the entire enterprise as she repeatedly flouts internal security rules and standards.
A rogue operator could hack into City via targeting Ms Kloss.
And she used to work for the police!!!
Cybersecure she is not.
But the real issues lie not with shoddy professionalism or poor infrastructure but with the gambling mafia who are destroying football for betting market and other financial gains.
These systemic corruptions have impacts beyond league titles.
Player careers are destroyed or enhanced by mafia.
Matchfixing is routine.
Managers like Guardiola, Wenger, Mourinho, Silva, Emery and any others associated in any way with Gestifute are targeted by pgMOBsters to change our realities.
Guardiola will eventually give up on accepting the corruption in the Premier League.
Arteta has gone and Pep's wife and family are spending more time in Catalonia.
And there is little point continuing in an obviously corrupted league.
City could have protected themselves against the LiverpoolCorruption Juggernaut...
... but the club's infrastructure and rogue individuals within it prevented any defence.
Blue Moon setting...?
What's Going So Wrong with VAR and What's Going So Right for Insider Traders
An agent might secure psychopathic control over in-play refereeing decisions by owning the Head of VAR, so he might...
It isn't just that the introduction of VAR into the Premier League has been flawed in the extreme, it is that the modes in which the technology is failing suggest deliberate chaos to the benefit of insider traders on the global betting markets.
We have stated elsewhere about the deficiencies in the PGMOB's version of VAR - see VARcical - and the fact that when VAR was introduced in Italy's Serie A match outcomes altered by referee error fell to 5% of games whereas in the Premier League the figure hovers around 25%.
One in 4 games...
But the systemic nature of the decision-making is the fraudulent issue - with certain match officials (either as referee or in the Stockley Park VAR centre), the decisions are positively correlated with insider trading patterns in the markets. This occurs at statistically significant levels.
This corruption utilises marginal gains which is what reveals their criminalised processes - greed = discovery.
Stockley Park is also not cybersecure. This is a disaster waiting to happen and stuff has already been posted on the dark web via leakage.
When control of the VAR decision-making processes are in-house then exerting further match control via coercion or persuasion of clients to perform appropriately on the field of play presents a very strong hand to an agent.
The final corrupt nail in this coffin is the control of the referee selection process, both on a game-by-game basis and also in which officials get promoted to the Select Group on the PGMOB.
As one individual agent exerts psychopathic control over all three of these arenas, we have systemic corruption.
All of this indicates matchfixing.
And yet VAR could be near to 100% perfect.
There are several technologies out there to make it so, the most interesting of which is Sportable.
If players and the ball have proprietary sensors then it is possible at any time to determine the sequences of ball and player contact, absolutely confirming whether a foul has been committed or not.
A smart ball will be able to monitor other rules too.
Furthermore, the technology is markedly more accurate than the GPS systems currently in use allowing more accurate player analytics.
You could remove the human from the process which, with the PGMOB monstrosity as the other option, is definitely preferable.
Sportable is available now.
Why would an agent choose to maintain the current corrupted template when a near-perfect alternative exists?
We're hoping that Arsene Wenger pushes for this new technology in his new rule as global head of football integrity.
Pressure Riley and pressure Swarbrick.
Make the mafia squeak.__________________________________________________
What's Going So Wrong with Mafia and What's Going So Right for 5th Estate Anti-Corruption Journalists
An agent might elect to evolve into a mafia man, if he so wishes...
The Economist: "In 1944 Raymond Chandler described the ideal character of a fictional private eye as a man comfortable on mean streets, but "who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid." He is:
"... a relatively poor man, or he would not be a detective at all. He is a common man or he could not go among common people. He has a sense of character, or he would not know his job. He will take no man's money dishonestly and no man's insolence without a due and dispassionate revenge. He is a lonely man and his pride is that you will treat him as a proud man."
In recent times, there have been an array of crimes both particular and systemic worldwide targeting anti-corruption journalists and organisations.
There is a battle for truth.
Power doesn't deal too well with truth.
Nino di Matteo (anti-mafia Sicilian magistrate): "We live in a mafia state - a state that, in order to preserve the status quo, has to remove whistleblowers who want justice. We want to know the reason for the silence of the mainstream media - why are they frightened to the degree they become accomplices in (and beneficiaries of) the corruption. We must rebel against this system and this mafia method."
When the government of Joseph Muscat, the prime minister of Malta (for now), orchestrated the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia for her anti-corruption disclosures of all facets of corruption on the crime island particularly the money laundering schemes involving Muscat, his chief ofmafia staff Keith Schembri and the high-flying psychopath Yorgen Fenech.
The mafia state of Malta was so confident in its psychopathic veil that Neville Gafa (from the PM's office) followed Daphne around the day prior to her murder photographing her and all protests for a real inquiry into the death fell on stony mafia ground.
But just over two years on and the castle has crumbled.
Some of the orchestrators of this horrific murder of a brave anti-corruption activist will soon rot in a Maltese prison.
The campaign for justice is won.
Daphne Caruana Galizia's last quote before the car bombing: "There are crooks everywhere you look now. The situation is desperate."
Four months after Caruana Galizia was killed, Jan Kuciak and his partner Martina Kusnirova were murdered by mafia in Slovakia for Jan's anti-corruption investigations and journalism. We outed Marian Kocner as the prime suspect immediately and, following the resignation of the prime minister, a team of 82 police officers eventually gathered enough evidence to arrest Kocner.
When Jamal Khashoggi was brutally tortured and murdered by Saudi representatives in Turkey, the route back from perpetrators-to-intermediaries-to-orchestrator led right to the palace of Prince Salman. Even at this elevated level of global elite, there have been impacts. Salman has been ostracised by numerous global entities and the western investment banking community pulled any interest in the IPO of Saudi Aramco which had to be force fed to dutiful Saudi citizenry to be made worthwhile.
There are numerous other examples, the most obvious of which is the illegal imprisonment and torture of Julian Assange by the UK and British rogue states for the crime of exposing the historical war crimes of those very states.
The Wikileaks Theory of Change (2006): “Where details are known as to the inner workings of authoritarian regimes, we see conspiratorial interactions among the political elite, not merely for preferment or favour within the regime, but as the primary planning methodology behind maintaining or strengthening authoritarian power. Authoritarian regimes create forces which oppose them by pushing against a people’s will to truth, love and self-realisation. Plans which assist authoritarian rule, once discovered, induce further resistance. Hence such schemes are concealed by successful authoritarian powers until resistance is futile or outweighed by the efficiencies of naked power. This collaborative secrecy, working to the detriment of a population, is enough to define their behaviour as conspiratorial.”
And it is a very big but...
The public weight is very firmly on the side of justice.
State Mafia and/or Mafia, whether emanating from Saudi Arabia, Malta, Slovakia, Brighton or Stirling are all in the same boat.
Their crimes are visible and the stories are already written.
Justice will be served.
By confronting the haak ging, we renovate.
We are leaderless, anonymous and comfortable with violence.
"And the ball has never been more in our court.
And, talking of court...
... if we burn, you burn with us."
Fifty Shades of Snuff - Ceramic Hobs
RIP Simon Morris
The Football is Fixed Network is unique.
We are in a niche of one.
We have no competitors.
If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please contact Ojo del Toro in complete confidence via Direct Message @footballisfixed. You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals.
Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network. We use the Iceberg Effect. We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us. We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court. In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.
We Open Betting Markets. Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics.
© Football is Fixed 2006-2019
Our Christmas posts for 2019 focus on Manchester City, marginal gains, matchfixing, mafia and meritocracy.
We provide three disparate yet linked tales of how marginal gains undermine robust holistic advancement ensuring that a criminalised psychopathy triumphs over the public good.
The lack of meritocracy engendered by these mafia infrastructures causes a systemic long-term harm to football.
To celebrate living in the end times, we're publishing a trilogy of Christmas Carols
1) What's Going So Wrong with Manchester City and What's Going So Right for Liverpool
2) What's Going So Wrong with VAR and What's Going So Right for Insider Traders
3) What's Going So Wrong with Mafia and What's Going So Right for 5th Estate Anti-Corruption Journalists
Marginal Gains
But first we need to address marginal gains.
Marginal gains first reached the attention of the sporting public when Team Sky cycling team pushed every input to the threshold of illegality and then beyond in order to lever a donkey and other dopers onto victory podia across France and other accommodating countries.
This systemic corruption destroyed the legacy of Team Skydespite the victories.
No matter how much controlled media told us wonderful fairy tales about Wiggins and Froome, nobody actually believed them - it was a fake reality ensconced in history and is now accepted as such.
No glory there.
The change of name to Team INEOS doesn't work either - the perception remains that INEOS continue to be doped up athletes with secreted motors utilising illegal marginal gains.
So the deal is that you trade wealth for credibility.
You sell out.
In late capitalism, every market sector evolves to maturity usually in the form of a cartel, a monopoly or duopoly or another mafia template of some sort.
Although these sectoral structures come together to work towards mutually beneficial defence e.g. against onerous regulation, these edifices fragment and fight over turf for the remainder of the time.
In mature market sectors there is little likelihood of game-changing inputs - there is a low probability that one of the Big Four accounting firms is going to develop an entirely new business model, for example.
So, there's a whole bunch of people out there who perceive that marginal gains are the only way to gain edge in mature markets.
(Of course, creative thinking would be a better provider of unique competitive edge but there is minimal creativity in psychopathic structures and individuals.)
So, in football, there is a battle going on between the Gestifute grouping of agents and the Stellar/ Key Sports/ Unique/ Base family of operators.
Although agents of the world unite when intermediaries are threatened with some limitation on their leeching from the sport, the world for agents is in a state of permanent war.
To gain edge, excessive marginal gains are enacted - matchfixing games, third party ownership of players, takeover of media, insider trading, money laundering & tax evasion, coercion of match officials and players, control of institutions, systemic doping and mafia violence.
But marginal gains only work up to the threshold of a sweet spot thereafter being psychopathic, revealing and self-harming.
Each successful implementation of a marginal gain by one agent grouping against another exposes information on the crimes at play.
An agent could be legitimate and earn his 15%.
An agent might realise that if one of his clients kicked the ball straight out of play from the kick off, he could sell 'Time of 1st Throw-In' on the spread markets and be quids in.
An agent might reckon that if he started representing more goalkeepers, he could 'persuade' them to let in goals, particularly if such goals are scored by other clients in the stable.
An agent might start betting on knowledge of this insider corruption.
An agent might recognise that you need more match control to take more betting market control and reach agreements with several PGMOB match officials.
An agent might come across other entities trying to achieve the same corruptions and seek to develop networks to offset enemies - here a number of agents would work together to fix games.
An agent might understand that 5th Estate anti-corruption investigative journalists are on his case and start seeking to disguise his corruption matrices. So, third party ownership of players and setting up satellite agencies allows greater but more opaque control of the field of play.
An agent might seek to cement betting market control by linking with numerous doping entities in the underworld.
An agent might want to take control of international teams by levering in managers and using kickbacks as a lubrication to get his often underperforming clients selected to play for their country.
An agent needs to start paying under-the-table brown envelopes to mafia entities to launder their processes in the black market. Meanwhile, the UK state and its offshore dominions offer crime secretion and tax evasion for monies from the grey and white markets.
An agent might feel limited by the volume that he can safely trade on the events that he is matchfixing and so become a part of a larger betting entity, established solely for the purpose of matchfixing and cornering global markets against peripheral patsies.
An agent might comprehend that the illicit wealth being created in a not-very-subtle-stylish-nor-discreet manner is becoming public knowledge via leaks, hacks and 5th Estate journalism and sign deals to transform mainstream media output into a suppression of corruption realities and an advertorial for those very entities that are orchestrating this corruption.
An agent might develop a cartel of clubs in the upper leagues for enhanced matchfixing, the control of league promotion and relegation and the promotion of clients.
An agent will quickly come to find that managerial change at clubs outside the cartel strengthens his power base and provides matchfixing opportunities as well.
An agent might seek to make his criminalised template systemic by taking over the institutions of power - starting small with taking over referee selection, then moving larger and seeking to take over the entire Premier League.
An agent might create spectacles to demonstrate his mafia control of the corruptions in British football - perhaps a 9-0 away win live on the telly where one of his clients scores a hat-trick.
An agent might start seeking enhanced reputation management and a legacy and a burying of the murky past.
An agent, as part of burying that past, might seek to 'remove' those who know-too-much.
An agent might develop a God Complex.
Once this agent started on his path, this conclusion was an inevitability.
If he hadn't perpetrated the corruptions, someone else would and power would have shifted in the game.
That's the issue here - absolute power requires absolute psychopathy.
But marginal gains is a self-harming psychopathy that reveals corruptions to observers.
And this is where marginal gains falls down.
An agent is featured in all 3 of the Christmas tales below...
What's Going So Wrong with Manchester City and What's Going So Right for Liverpool
An agent could become involved in creating cartels of teams for result manipulation, insider trading, client promotion and systemic corruption, so he could...
We have exclusively detailed the systemic corruption underpinning the improvement in the fortunes of Liverpool FC in other places - see Lizards, Lacertae & Liverpool - this template features the cartelised treatment of other clubs, the control of some PGMOB officials, insider trading and matchfixing...
In season 2019/20, these corruptions have inflated with four more teams liaising directly over match outcomes and several more match officials added to the corruption roster.
The biases against Manchester City and in favour of Liverpool via the mis-application of VAR represents a systemic crime.
We saw in the World Club Cup Final how a legitimate non-fraudulent referee deals with VAR - Abdulrahman Al Jassim is in a different class to the mafia-linked operatives presented to us by the PGMOB.
But the response to corruption in a competitive marketplace has to be holistic, robust and analytically astute and Manchester City have not stepped up to the mark.
The initial business model at Manchester City was simple but enlightening - sovereign wealth + meritocracy = growth + expansion.
And for a number of years this worked. Wonderfully.
But the weakness was in the structure.
Private fiefdoms became established in the club (particularly within the self-harming entity that is Manchester City Analytics) and bottlenecks of inefficiency developed at key communication points while numerous individuals surfed their performance protecting their mortgages and private school financing while adding little to the overall project.
The evolution of these fiefdoms has entirely undermined the club.
Meritocracy has been trumped by mediocrity.
Good people are leaving and others (like the Football is Fixed Network) are not willing to get involved - we refuse to work with any entity that leaks and withdraw immediately in such instance (as we did with City).
Leading people in Manchester City Analytics have been sacked recently following our disclosures of deliberate leakage of proprietary analytics to Liverpool (via a mafia-influenced route) and absolute poverty of performance in assessing corruptions being perpetrated against Manchester City's interests. City have lost Sancho and the 2019/20 Premier League title because of Manchester City Analytics - the entire entity needs disbanding and rebuilding more professionally.
And when Manchester City do raise a point with the EPL, it is peripheral to a strong argument.
So Guardiola correctly complained about the fixture scheduling over the xmas window but the entire fixture list is game theorised to the benefit of the Liverpool cartel of teams - last Saturday saw four EPL games entirely controlled results-wise and in the global betting markets by the participating teams - that isn't sport, that is a gambling scam.
Manchester City also leaks like a sieve. We know of 8 individuals (including three players) who do not have Manchester City's best interests at heart either deliberately by batting for the other side or via inefficiencies and stupidities undermining the operation.
And this has impact.
With one player who repeatedly underplays his professional hand, the knowledge is in South East Asian betting markets pre-match - and, before kick off, we all know if he is going to have a Timeform squiggle next to his name.
Another example - Oxbridge educated Vicky Kloss is Chief Communications Officer at the club.
Yet on foreign trips she is the biggest source of cybersecurity weakness in the entire enterprise as she repeatedly flouts internal security rules and standards.
A rogue operator could hack into City via targeting Ms Kloss.
And she used to work for the police!!!
Cybersecure she is not.
But the real issues lie not with shoddy professionalism or poor infrastructure but with the gambling mafia who are destroying football for betting market and other financial gains.
These systemic corruptions have impacts beyond league titles.
Player careers are destroyed or enhanced by mafia.
Matchfixing is routine.
Managers like Guardiola, Wenger, Mourinho, Silva, Emery and any others associated in any way with Gestifute are targeted by pgMOBsters to change our realities.
Guardiola will eventually give up on accepting the corruption in the Premier League.
Arteta has gone and Pep's wife and family are spending more time in Catalonia.
And there is little point continuing in an obviously corrupted league.
City could have protected themselves against the LiverpoolCorruption Juggernaut...
... but the club's infrastructure and rogue individuals within it prevented any defence.
Blue Moon setting...?
What's Going So Wrong with VAR and What's Going So Right for Insider Traders
An agent might secure psychopathic control over in-play refereeing decisions by owning the Head of VAR, so he might...
It isn't just that the introduction of VAR into the Premier League has been flawed in the extreme, it is that the modes in which the technology is failing suggest deliberate chaos to the benefit of insider traders on the global betting markets.
We have stated elsewhere about the deficiencies in the PGMOB's version of VAR - see VARcical - and the fact that when VAR was introduced in Italy's Serie A match outcomes altered by referee error fell to 5% of games whereas in the Premier League the figure hovers around 25%.
One in 4 games...
But the systemic nature of the decision-making is the fraudulent issue - with certain match officials (either as referee or in the Stockley Park VAR centre), the decisions are positively correlated with insider trading patterns in the markets. This occurs at statistically significant levels.
This corruption utilises marginal gains which is what reveals their criminalised processes - greed = discovery.
Stockley Park is also not cybersecure. This is a disaster waiting to happen and stuff has already been posted on the dark web via leakage.
When control of the VAR decision-making processes are in-house then exerting further match control via coercion or persuasion of clients to perform appropriately on the field of play presents a very strong hand to an agent.
The final corrupt nail in this coffin is the control of the referee selection process, both on a game-by-game basis and also in which officials get promoted to the Select Group on the PGMOB.
As one individual agent exerts psychopathic control over all three of these arenas, we have systemic corruption.
All of this indicates matchfixing.
And yet VAR could be near to 100% perfect.
There are several technologies out there to make it so, the most interesting of which is Sportable.
If players and the ball have proprietary sensors then it is possible at any time to determine the sequences of ball and player contact, absolutely confirming whether a foul has been committed or not.
A smart ball will be able to monitor other rules too.
Furthermore, the technology is markedly more accurate than the GPS systems currently in use allowing more accurate player analytics.
You could remove the human from the process which, with the PGMOB monstrosity as the other option, is definitely preferable.
Sportable is available now.
Why would an agent choose to maintain the current corrupted template when a near-perfect alternative exists?
We're hoping that Arsene Wenger pushes for this new technology in his new rule as global head of football integrity.
Pressure Riley and pressure Swarbrick.
Make the mafia squeak.__________________________________________________
What's Going So Wrong with Mafia and What's Going So Right for 5th Estate Anti-Corruption Journalists
An agent might elect to evolve into a mafia man, if he so wishes...
The Economist: "In 1944 Raymond Chandler described the ideal character of a fictional private eye as a man comfortable on mean streets, but "who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid." He is:
"... a relatively poor man, or he would not be a detective at all. He is a common man or he could not go among common people. He has a sense of character, or he would not know his job. He will take no man's money dishonestly and no man's insolence without a due and dispassionate revenge. He is a lonely man and his pride is that you will treat him as a proud man."
In recent times, there have been an array of crimes both particular and systemic worldwide targeting anti-corruption journalists and organisations.
There is a battle for truth.
Power doesn't deal too well with truth.
Nino di Matteo (anti-mafia Sicilian magistrate): "We live in a mafia state - a state that, in order to preserve the status quo, has to remove whistleblowers who want justice. We want to know the reason for the silence of the mainstream media - why are they frightened to the degree they become accomplices in (and beneficiaries of) the corruption. We must rebel against this system and this mafia method."
When the government of Joseph Muscat, the prime minister of Malta (for now), orchestrated the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia for her anti-corruption disclosures of all facets of corruption on the crime island particularly the money laundering schemes involving Muscat, his chief of
The mafia state of Malta was so confident in its psychopathic veil that Neville Gafa (from the PM's office) followed Daphne around the day prior to her murder photographing her and all protests for a real inquiry into the death fell on stony mafia ground.
But just over two years on and the castle has crumbled.
Some of the orchestrators of this horrific murder of a brave anti-corruption activist will soon rot in a Maltese prison.
The campaign for justice is won.
Daphne Caruana Galizia's last quote before the car bombing: "There are crooks everywhere you look now. The situation is desperate."
Four months after Caruana Galizia was killed, Jan Kuciak and his partner Martina Kusnirova were murdered by mafia in Slovakia for Jan's anti-corruption investigations and journalism. We outed Marian Kocner as the prime suspect immediately and, following the resignation of the prime minister, a team of 82 police officers eventually gathered enough evidence to arrest Kocner.
When Jamal Khashoggi was brutally tortured and murdered by Saudi representatives in Turkey, the route back from perpetrators-to-intermediaries-to-orchestrator led right to the palace of Prince Salman. Even at this elevated level of global elite, there have been impacts. Salman has been ostracised by numerous global entities and the western investment banking community pulled any interest in the IPO of Saudi Aramco which had to be force fed to dutiful Saudi citizenry to be made worthwhile.
There are numerous other examples, the most obvious of which is the illegal imprisonment and torture of Julian Assange by the UK and British rogue states for the crime of exposing the historical war crimes of those very states.
The Wikileaks Theory of Change (2006): “Where details are known as to the inner workings of authoritarian regimes, we see conspiratorial interactions among the political elite, not merely for preferment or favour within the regime, but as the primary planning methodology behind maintaining or strengthening authoritarian power. Authoritarian regimes create forces which oppose them by pushing against a people’s will to truth, love and self-realisation. Plans which assist authoritarian rule, once discovered, induce further resistance. Hence such schemes are concealed by successful authoritarian powers until resistance is futile or outweighed by the efficiencies of naked power. This collaborative secrecy, working to the detriment of a population, is enough to define their behaviour as conspiratorial.”
And it is a very big but...
The public weight is very firmly on the side of justice.
State Mafia and/or Mafia, whether emanating from Saudi Arabia, Malta, Slovakia, Brighton or Stirling are all in the same boat.
Their crimes are visible and the stories are already written.
Justice will be served.
By confronting the haak ging, we renovate.
We are leaderless, anonymous and comfortable with violence.
"And the ball has never been more in our court.
And, talking of court...
... if we burn, you burn with us."
Fifty Shades of Snuff - Ceramic Hobs
RIP Simon Morris
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We are in a niche of one.
We have no competitors.
If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please contact Ojo del Toro in complete confidence via Direct Message @footballisfixed. You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals.
Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network. We use the Iceberg Effect. We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us. We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court. In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.
© Football is Fixed 2006-2019