- an organized international body of criminals, operating originally in Sicily and now especially in Italy and the US and having a complex and ruthless behavioural code.
- any organized group of criminals resembling the Mafia in its way of operating.noun: mafia; plural noun: mafias"the rise of criminal mafias in Russian and Eastern Europe"
- a group regarded as exerting a hidden sinister influence.noun: mafia"the British literary mafia"
_______________________________________________________________________________________Internal Document:— FOOTBALL is FIXED (@footballisfixed) May 30, 2019
The Rise and Fall Of John Colquhoun - Football Agent, Insider Trader, Systemic Matchfixing, TPO, linkage with corrupt bookies & media, 'Football Leaks' intercepts, KSM, & USM, Threats & Menaces.
Check Kerkyra Server
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